Actress Mary Beth Barber To Play Louise Brooks during her "Middle Period"

It is my pleasure to announce that actress Mary Beth Barber has agreed to play the part of Louise Brooks from her "middle period."

It was during this time that Louise Brooks had reached her lowest point. Having been blackballed in Hollywood she moved back home to Kansas. Soon, however, she had to shut down a failing dance studio. This was, she thought, her final disgrace. She again packed her bags hoping for something better back in New York. Desperate and destitute, she resorted to working as an escort for a brief period. It was during this time that Louise Began a life as a recluse, but her path was about to change.

Actress Toni Corbett To Play Louise Brooks In Her Later Years

I am excited to report that Toni Corbett has graciously agreed to take on the role of the elderly Louise Brooks. At this point in Louise's life, she was relishing in a rebirth of popularity and finally getting credit for her literary talents.

Toni's characterization will be a great addition to this project.